Would You Beerlieve It?!

This weeks ale review is bought to you by Geoffrey Gongoozler, a beer critic, local brewer and town drunk. He works in the UCL Fine Booze department, following his PhD in Amphigory from Oxford.

Harbour Ellensberg Session IPA

A soft, drinkable session with a dominant hoppy tendency. Pleasant but not superb. Following the taste, the can is inoffensive but unexciting. The can has a large H on it, and is half orange, like a faded Polish flag. It originally had beer in it, but this is no longer the case.

Moor Sticks & Bones Smoked Dark Ale

See following:

Moor Union Hop Pale Ale

See following:

Moor Amoor Porter

A lighter porter, smooth down the throat and with a sense of warmth. However, it lacks a real strength or earthiness to make it a strong recommendation. The can however is a master piece by the Moor Beer Company. The delightful tactility of the grainy band compromises with the slick, smooth can and it’s delicate extruding decorative lines. A nostalgic visual design beautifully compromises the modern finishes for an experience arguably better than the drink itself.

Electric Ale Ohm Sweet Ohm APA

A fresh ale with grapefruit flavours and a real electric zest – living up to the name. The can is yet another with a pleasing matte feel to it. The fine paper roughness was quite agreeable. A good beer, particularly for the summer.

Wild Beer Nebula IPA

Look at that stag.

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